Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Are you Fur Real?

Eudea-Mamia posted a lovely reminder this morning about the beauty of Christmas and little children. The tinsel, twinkling lights, trees and beautiful ornaments that bring out the joy and amazement on the faces of our children. Who knew so much beauty could be had in a Super Target? However, there is a dark side to Christmas....

Commercials. It seems like every year for the ever-longer months of the Christmas season the retail world is bombarding our children with all the things they absolutely must have from Santa. Last night we were watching some television program, and each commercial break I was harassed with "I want that", "Santa needs to bring me this", "why do brothers get all the good stuff and we get clothes?".... you get the idea.

Well, to begin with, I have subliminally spoken with dear ol' Santa and he is bringing each child #1-4 one of these... in their favorite color so as to avoid confusion.

We do not need one of these...

We have a dog. A real one. Play with her. She is no fun you say? Well, there are children out there begging for a real dog and all they will get is one of these Fur Real Friends. Be thankful your Mama loves you enough to get you the real deal.... I mean WTF? I got you a For Real Dog. Is she chopped liver?

Neither do we need any of these....

Baby Alive? I have 5 kids, just the thought of more babies make me cringe, especially ones that pretend to be alive. Besides, what do you think you have younger brothers for? Play with them.

Its a no win situation in the end. While the gifts are cool, there will always be something missing. Something Santa forgot. Or more accurately something Santa refused to buy. And the dollar amount of the gifts has nothing to do with the joy of Christmas morning- its all about the size of the pile. I could give my kids each a $1000 piece of jewelry and it wouldn't be near as cool as a $20 huge ass bouncy ball. In their defense, I may have provoked that part, I mean really, who doesn't like to see a huge pile of stuff with their name on it? To make up for the relatively small size of the DS, I convinced Santa to bring new bikes as well. Hopefully between those 2 things and the rest of the little stuff like coloring books, crayons, underwear, a few shirts, and maybe some play-doh or a slinky thrown in, this year Santa will remain in their good graces as the guy with all the goods.


Unknown said...

Hugs for you and the no-baby-alive-wishes - we got one of those for a birthday this summer...and I'm with you. I got enough babies already, and we're DONE with diapers (finally).

Oh, and I heart your "I OWN BLACKACRE" avatar-thingie...but of course my first thought was "IN FEE SIMPLE?!?!?" ha ha ha ...

Ash said...

Thanks for the shout out! Super Target is full of beauty, no matter the season. I'll show you my bank statement to prove it.

We have instituted the rule that I had growing up - you ask for a toy that you saw on tv, there's no chance in the world you're going to get it. My mother was so right, half that stuff is complete break-the-next-day carp. The rest I'm sure his friends will tell him about. Word of mouth works best...unless it comes in the form of peer pressure - ugh.

When did Christmas get so darn complicated?


Legal Diva said...

Santa has a Target visa... which earns you a 10% off certificate after you spend $1000. Santa gets a lot of those (partly because our Target has a Starbucks and those purchases count too). So Santa is using a 10% off to get the DS's and bikes. :)

sassy stephanie said...

Oh hells yes!!!

Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me!

Victoria Von Swarovski said...

Christmas presents are hard enough when you don't know what to buy anyone, let alone when they already have ridiculous expectations. Kudos to you.

Unknown said...

ewwww I hate holidays... to much to think about and my brain doesn't function that well anyway !!! lol

Lesley said...

I think they are getting the better gift anyway.....screw the fake dog and doll that pees itself....stopping by way of SITS....love your post

Tenakim said...

Amen! I feel the same way about the toys. Just trying to catch up with you- why has it been so long since I've been here?